CNS — Events — SNSF Workshop — Readings

May 27, 2015


Exploratory Workshop on Narrative in Science


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A collection of publications by participants in the workshop…

Corni F., T. Altiero (2014). Innovazione nella didattica delle scienze nella scuola primaria e dell’infanzia: al crocevia fra discipline scientifiche e umanistiche. Atti del convegno 2012 – Articoli selezionati. Universitas Studiorum S.r.l. - Casa Editrice (Mantova, Italia), pp. 360. (ISBN: 978-88-97683-41-4)
Altiero T., C. A. Bortolotti, F. Corni, E. Giliberti, R. Greco, M. Marchetti, C. Mariani (2010). Introduzione elementare all’energia: un laboratorio di scienze per insegnanti di scuola primaria, In: New Trends in Science and Technology Education. Selected Papers, (edited by) L. Menabue and G. Santoro, Eds. CLUEB, Bologna, pp. 157-170 [ISBN 978-88-491-3392-9].
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Amin, T. G., Smith, C., & Wiser, M. (2014). Student conceptions and conceptual change: Three overlapping phases of research. In N. Lederman and S. Abell (Eds.), Handbook of Research in Science Education, Vol II. UK: Taylor and Francis.
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Amin, T. G. (2009). Conceptual metaphor meets conceptual change. Human Development, 52(3), 165-197.
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Cervi M. (2013), Dall’esperienza alla comprensione del mondo: il ruolo dell’astrazione, in Corni F. e Altiero T. (Eds.), Atti del convegno “Innovazione nella didattica delle scienze nella scuola primaria e dell’infanzia: al crocevia fra discipline scientifiche e umanistiche”, Mantova, Editrice Universitas Studiorum.
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Cervi M. (2012), La ragione del cuore. Antropologia delle emozioni, Siena, Edizioni Cantagalli.
Cervi M. & Bonesso C. (2008), Emozioni per crescere. Come educare l’emotività, Roma, Armando Editore.
Contini A. (2013): Metaphor, between semantic innovation and conceptual transfer. Paper presented at the Workshop Science and Language - The Art and Science of Science Communication, 22/11/2013, Department of Education and Humanities, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.
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Contini A. (2013): “Metafora e razionalità immaginativa”, in F. Corni (ed.), Le scienze nella prima educazione. Un approccio narrativo a un curricolo interdisciplinare, Erickson, Trento, pp. 35-58.
Contini A. (2012), Estetica della biologia. Dalla Scuola di Montpellier a Henri Bergson. Mimesis, Milano.
Corni F., Giliberti E., Fuchs H. U. (2014). Student teachers writing science stories: a case study.  In C. P. Constantinou, N. Papadouris & A. Hadjigeorgiou. E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference, Part 13. Cyprus. p. 272-283.
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Corni F., Fuchs H.U., Giliberti E., Mariani C. (2014). Primary School Teachers: Becoming Aware of the Relevance of their own Scientific Knowledge. In: Proceedings of The World Conference on Physics Education 2012. Pegem Akademi Istanbul p. 1063-1072.
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Corni F. (ed.) (2013): Le scienze nella prima educazione - Un approccio narrativo a un curricolo interdisciplinare. Gardolo (TN) : Edizioni Centro Studi Erickson.
Cotter, C., & Perrin, D. (2016, in preparation). Public storytelling. Narrative journalism and beyond. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Creager, A. N. H., Lunbeck, Elizabeth, and Wise, M. N. (eds.) (2007): Science without Laws: Model Systems, Cases, and Exemplary Narratives: Durham: Duke University Press.
Dumont E., Venturini F., Fuchs H. U., Maurer W. (2014): From forces of nature to the physics of dynamical systems. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Conceptual Change Bologna, Italy.
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Fuchs H. U. (2015): From Stories to Scientific Models and Back: Narrative framing in modern macroscopic physics. International Journal of Science Education, 37(5-6), 934-957.
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Fuchs H. U. (2010): From Metaphors to Models of Heat. Introductory chapter of The Dynamics of Heat. 2nd ed. Springer, New York.
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Fuchs H. U. (2010): The Dynamics of Heat. A Unified Approach to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer. 2nd ed. Graduate Texts in Physics. Springer, new York.
Haglund, J., & Jeppsson, F. (2012). Using self-generated analogies in teaching of thermodynamics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 49(7), 898-921.
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Hurwitz B. (2006): Form and representation in clinical case reports. Literature and Medicine 25:2; 216-40.
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Hurwitz B. (2014): Urban Observation and Sentiment in James Parkinson’s Essay on the Shaking Palsy. Literature and Medicine 32:1, 74-104. DOI: 10.1353/lm.2014.0002.
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Jeppsson, F., Haglund, J., & Amin, T. G. (2015). Varying use of conceptual metaphors across levels of expertise in thermodynamics. International Journal of Science Education, 1-26. doi: 10.1080/09500693.2015.1025247
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Landini A., E. Giliberti, F. Corni ( 2014 ): La storia di Margherita: per un’educazione scientifica nella scuola dell’infanzia e primaria. In Corni F., T. Altiero (2014): Innovazione nella didattica delle scienze nella scuola primaria e dell’infanzia: al crocevia fra discipline scientifiche e umanistiche. Atti del convegno 2012 – Articoli selezionati. Universitas Studiorum S.r.l. - Casa Editrice (Mantova, Italia), pp. 360. (ISBN: 978-88-97683-41-4)
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Morgan M. S. (2012): The World in the Model. How Economists Work and Think. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK.
Morgan M. S: (2001): Models, Stories and the Economic World. Journal of Economic Methodology, 8(3), 361-84.
Niebert, K., & Gropengiesser, H. (2015). Understanding Starts in the Mesocosm: Conceptual metaphor as a framework for external representations in science teaching. International Journal of Science Education, 1–31.
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Niebert, K., & Gropengiesser, H. (2012). Understanding and communicating climate change in metaphors. Environmental Education Research, 0(0), 1–21.
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Niebert, K., Marsch, S., & Treagust, D. F. (2012). Understanding needs embodiment: A theory?guided reanalysis of the role of metaphors and analogies in understanding science. Science Education, 96(5), 849–877.
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Perrin, D. (2013). The linguistics of newswriting. Amsterdam, New York et al.: John Benjamins.
Wise M. N. (2011): Science as (Historical) Narrative. Erkenntnis 75(3), 349-376.
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Wise, M. N. (ed.) (2004), Growing Explanations:  Historical Perspectives on Recent Science: Durham: Duke University Press.
Zabel J. (2014): Narrative and Metaphor as Conceptual Tools for Understanding Evolution Theory. Proceedings of the International Conference "Innovazione nella didattica delle scienze nella scuola primaria e dell’infanzia", 21-22 Novembre 2014 Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia.
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Zabel, J. & Gropengießer, H. (2011): Learning progress in evolution theory: climbing a ladder or roaming a landscape? Journal of Biological Education 45(3), 143-149.
Zabel, J. (2009): Biologie verstehen: Die Rolle der Narration beim Verstehen der Evolutionstheorie. Oldenburg: Didaktisches Zentrum der Universität Oldenburg, Band 24.